Very small image of old style schoolhouse

One Person Schoolhouse

The One Person Schoolhouse

You choose what you learn, how you learn, where you learn, and when you learn. You select your instructors. You set the pace of your studies. You are the One Person Schoolhouse.

The dawn of a new era in education is upon us. Let your education be as unique as you.

Rendering of a small old schoolhouse on the plains with mountains in the background

The era in American history of people laboring their entire lives on an assembly line or following a single career track for a single employer is long gone.

All that remains of that bygone era is an educational system that prepares students to succeed in it.

Picture in old style format depicting a run down and overgrown two story brick school building

What Worked in the Past Lost Its Effectiveness

The era of the assembly-line, mass-production model of education has run its course. Evidence is all around you, but it’s hard to see when you’re experiencing the evolution.

The weight of the entire educational system infrastructure rests on two documents: the high school diploma and the university degree.

You're Buying the Proof, Not the Education

You can purchase most textbooks and resources used in classrooms, watch YouTube videos explaining just about any concept, join online chat groups discussing how to solve almost any problem, and even visit a country to learn a language right where it’s spoken.

If acquiring knowledge is so easy and relatively inexpensive, can you explain why do you need to attend school? What, exactly, are you paying for when you attend high school and college?

When you understand this, you’ll never see the education system the same again.

Framed University Degree

The existing educational system is as incompatible with modern life as a cart being pulled by two oxen on an interstate highway.

Martin Luther posting grievances on church

The Long List of Grievances

Martin Luther posted a list of grievances on the church door. He didn’t want the church to go away; he simply wanted some reforms.

Much of what made the American school system a global powerhouse of education in the 1950s makes the school system an anchor dragging behind the student today.

Listing grievances against the existing school system framework is a call for reform.

How, when, where, and from whom you learned the subject matter is immaterial when you sit for a certification examination.

So, learn the subject matter how, when, where, and from whom you want.

The Dawn of a New Era in Education

What replaces the assembly-line model of education? Education tailored to the individual. The One Person Schoolhouse. A lifelong classroom of one. You.

Pasture with pond in foreground, shown at sunrise with mist over the field.

The Certification-Based Education system is forming even now without any guiding organization or government agency.

Boy sitting on desk looking at vast expanse of space

Certifications Vouch for Your Knowledge

At the minimum, Certification-Based Education requires a student, an employer, and a trusted third-party to vouch for the education of the student in the form of certificates.

But Certification-Based Education is an entire ecosystem of learning. You’re familiar with the assembly-line model of education. Now discover a better way.

You’ll have at least one role in the new Certification-Based Education system.

Roles in the Certification-Based Education System

Everybody plays at least one role in the Certification-Based Education system. But you could play multiple roles.

The Certification-Based Education system is an ecosystem of education. Maybe people will not only participate, but could earn a living from educating others.

One Person Schoolhouse Ornament on Wooden Table
Table set for breakfast with coffee and newspaper

Catch Up on the News and Opinion

You have time to catch up on the news in the world of the One Person Schoolhouse. Learn what’s happening and what people are saying about it on the One Person Schoolhouse Bulletin Board.